- Carcinogen- Any substance, radionuclide, or radiation that is an agent directly involved in causing cancer.
- DOI- Department of the Interior
- EEG- Electroencephalography
- EHS- Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity
- EMC- Electromagnetic Compatibility
- EMF- Electromagnetic Field
- FCC- Federal Communications Commission
- GSM- Global System for Mobile Communications
- IARC- International Agency for Research on Cancer (A WHO Agency)
- ICNIRP- International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection
- It`s Foundation- Information Technologies In Society (A Swiss Non-profit Research Foundation)
- Mg (Milligaus) - A measurement scale used to measure the strength of EMF.
- MWR – Microwave radiation
- NCI- National Cancer Institute
- NIEHS- National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences (USA)
- NRC- National Research Council of the National Academies (USA)
- NTP- National Toxicology Program (USA)
- RF- Radiofrequency
- SAR- Specific Absorption Rate: Radiofrequency exposure limits for mobile phone users are given in terms of SAR – the rate of radiofrequency energy absorption per unit mass of the body.
- WHO- World Health Organization
- WLAN- Wireless Local Area Network